Let there be code …


Wow! My first blog post! Ok what now … This has to be perfect… Ok I will ask Google what to do. THANK you Google, the 4 magic key elements for the first blog post!

1) Introduce Yourself

Ok thats easy. My Name ist Timo Hassmann  ( or hateman ) and I live in the north of Germany I am married and have 3 children and I’m 38 years old.

2) What is Your Reason for Blogging

Hmm. Why not !? Ok ok I need a reason …… Ah I’m a Software Developer so I will write about code. This is perfect ! I will write about the exceptions I code and “drumroll” I will write them in Java for the Android platform.

3) What you Will be Blogging About

Shit, I told everything in 2). Ok Again.. I will blog about the programs I write, about the bugs I have produced and about flowers. No that was a joke…

4) Encourage Comments

Encourage Comments? Ok if you leave this page without writing a comment I will be, let me think …., disappointed, annoyed and pissed off. Is this encouraging enough?

define FirstPost = done